Solo Survivor


Some mornings I wish I could share the beauty of this little corner of the world as it wakes with you. No photograph can capture it’s beauty and tranquillity; the sound of the birds beginning their morning melodies – I hear 3 or 4 different calls; the smell of the dew on the grass; the stillness of the pond; the patch of yellow flowers; the colours of the sky as the sun starts to rise! It has to be experienced to be truly appreciated. I am grateful for this spot and glad I made the effort to visit it again.

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I have missed so much by always having a downward glance – I tend to look at the ground as I walk – this morning I lifted my head, looked, appreciated – there is so much beauty to be discovered all around when you lift your gaze, take the time to notice. Clouds make the sunrise so much more stunning.

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I see a tree that seems to have it’s branches reaching towards the sky – not sure my photo does it justice – it reminds me a little of my profile picture.


I see the clouds reflected in the pond and it gets me thinking about reflections and what I reflect – beauty, ugliness, hope, despair, agitation, peace? What do I want to reflect and how can I change what’s there on the inside so that I do?


I start my day refreshed even though I had not slept well – the time-out has restored my soul somewhat and I am grateful for sights, sounds and smells that have brought me to this point.


1 Comment

  1. Angie Van Greuning

    This is soooo beautiful! What incredible words that do justice to those incredible pictures!
    Su I can hear and read in your writing that you letting words jet ripple over you heart and somehow onto the page. Something like the ripples that seem to be in the clouds reflecting in the water!
    Keep writing my friend! What a gift!
    Love Ang


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