The Journey
After a couple of sleepless nights leading up to the journey, I was a little more anxious than I would have liked. Travelling with PTSD is not fun, but this was something I needed to do. I was packed and…
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Musings from a Solo Survivor
After a couple of sleepless nights leading up to the journey, I was a little more anxious than I would have liked. Travelling with PTSD is not fun, but this was something I needed to do. I was packed and…
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I’ve been feeling lately on the verge of a relapse. It’s a place I really don’t want to go – day upon endless day of darkness and hopelessness. I know my journey through ‘the valley of death’ has been long…
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I have been thinking a lot lately about death and dying. I have been putting my affairs in order, making a will etc. No I am not depressed and I am not contemplating ending it all. I just dream about…
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Over the years I have been told this in different ways like put the past in past; move on; forgive and forget. The thing is though, this disease forces the past into my everyday life through flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks…
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Lately when I get in my car to go to and from work, I tell myself “it’s not a competition, it’s not a race”. Before I started doing this, I found myself getting frazzled in my daily commute. I would…
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I have been on leave for 3 weeks now and thought my sleeplessness might improve without the stresses that work creates – having the luxury of being able to sleep in or take a nap whenever I feel like it….
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About five years ago, I began to sleep without a nightlight for the first time. It was huge. I could actually sleep in a darkened room unafraid. Now I am back to using a nightlight. I have been getting little…
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I have been without my car for over a week now. I actually thought it would great – I am fortunate enough to be able to work from homes when the need arises. I can shop for groceries online –…
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Friday I had one of the worst cases of anxiety I have had in a long time. Working in the city, I am usually in early and leave early so as to avoid the crowds and various other triggers. Friday…
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A week ago I was leading in church after a year off. I didn’t feel totally ready, but afterwards felt a sense of achievement. I felt like I was making progress, and honestly, that was progress. I was beginning to…
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