This day 13 years ago my life was changed forever. On that devastating day, my brother was brutally murdered on his farm in Zimbabwe. That horrible day is etched with indelible ink on my brain and my soul. I will…
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Random Act of Kindness…
I think sunrise is my favourite time of day and I am very fortunate to see 4 or 5 a week. I am not sure if it’s because it seems to beckon a new start, new possibilities. I love the…
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Just do it…
Sometimes you just have to get up and do it… Take today for instance. My therapist tells me that exercising for 30-40 minutes at least 3 times a week has the same affect as taking a mild anti-depressant. So I…
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Live in the now…
So often we are so busy doing, we forget to be! The moments fly by and we miss so much. When was the last time you were just in the moment? When did you last stop and just appreciate…
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