Solo Survivor


Today is Are you OK day. It is one day in the year when people are encouraged to ask the question and really listen to the answer. It’s about trying to save lives; letting people know they can be honest about where they are at.

A couple of years ago, one of the senior staff took me for a coffee and asked me this question. And no, I was not OK – I was experiencing full blown complex PTSD. She was compassionate and pointed me in the right direction to get help and became my advocate at work to enable me to manage my condition and eliminate some of the stress in my work environment.

I must say, though, as important as a day like to day can be to remind us to look out for each other, I am grateful for the people in my life that don’t wait for a specific day to check in with me.  They have literally saved my life more than once because they cared enough to make sure I was ok.

This happened recently when a group of them turned up for me and declared their intention to walk through this dark time with me no matter what. I am humbled by their visible display of love and friendship. I know I am not alone and that makes a difference every day.

The key is to be honest. One of these ladies asked the question and instead of my standard reply of, “I’m ok”, I told her the truth. So go ahead and ask the question, but only if you are ready and willing to hear the answer. If someone ask you the question, have the courage to be honest. It truly is the best way.

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